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Avoid Shopping Cart Abandonment

Eliminate Your Charges to Avoid Shopping Cart Abandonment


Online shopping is one of the most convenient way to shop but there are still those customers that would leave their carts and prefer not to complete the purchase at the end of the day which require different websites in the end to avail to recovery services to increase conversion rate of their lost sales and at least regaining the supposed sales for them. 


Shopping cart abandonment is indeed an issue that you would need to address in order to effectively run your purchase transactions smoothly. The high rate that your website is experiencing may be a wakeup call all in itself. This means that there are some aspects in your website as well as in your entire purchasing process that you would need to change or work on. This can be a simple organization problem that could be resolved with a simple rearrangement and reshuffle of how the items in the website are shown and displayed. But one of the most common reasons of customers why they leave their carts behind without completing the transaction and sealing the deal is because they are surprised of the charges that are required from them before the checkout.


The checkout process is the part of the process where you need to thread in lightly. This is where most shopping cart abandonment cases are created because of many different factors. This additional charges do not only pertain to shipping fees but also other fees that you might be charging your customers in addition to all that.


Most websites have a lot of hidden fees that when they are revealed to customers, most of them are surprised and pissed off that they end up not completing the transaction at the end of the day. Actually, a survey revealed that 49 percent of all the online shoppers who abandon their cars abandon them because of these hidden fees. The solution in this shopping cart abandonment case is simple. Simply be honest about what fees your website require and let the customers decide upfront if they are okay with these fees. Do not surprise them by showing the fees at the checking out process of the transaction. This will help you avoid payment for service that increase conversion rate or recover cart sales.